'The Alchemist' - in rehearsal

THE MAGISTRATE - in rehearsal

DEAR BRUTUS - in rehearsal


We planned to stage Love's Labour's Lost in 2020.... and then 2021 but, as Covid restrictions kept being tightened and the road to freedom became ever longer, we decided to capture what we could. On video - in a back garden. There's a link to our 76-minute version on the main page.

MARY STUART, in rehearsal. (the Govt. shut down the country the day after our dress rehearsal. The show had to be cancelled)

Dogg's Hamlet, Cahoot's Macbeth

And Then There Were None

The Duchess of Malfi

Some older production photos have been located in a virtual dusty filing cabinet. Here's Terry Pratchett's Going Postal, from 2005:

... and The School for Scandal (2004)...

And from 2003 -

Even further back - from 2002, with only a handful of images remaining available...